Gut & Adrenal 1 day
Cooking Workshop


Friday July 24th 2020

Bhavana Organic Farm + Cooking School

Does adrenal fatigue, chronic tiredness and gut issues continue to limit your health and vitality.

Do you seek intelligent advice and a skilful holistic view to reclaiming your health, wellbeing, inner connection and joy?

Are you ready to step into the next level of your wellness journey? If your answer is yes, then


Life is too short to live by the limitations of chronic tiredness, an irritable bowel, a tummy that feels uncomfortably bloated, the embarrassment of excess gas or any other gut or adrenal related symptom. We hold the power of choice to improve our health, through making simple and achievable lifestyle changes.

I want to provide you with an empowering experience, giving you the knowledge, tools and confidence to bring balance, harmony and health back to your hormonal and digestive systems, so you can experience the healthiest and happiest version of you.




What participants from our last Gut and Adrenal workshop had to say about their experience?

“Yesterday’s Gut and Adrenal workshop took thinking about health to a new level. Cooking beautiful food that nourished and supported the adrenals was the key” Taylor Ceil

