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8 Holistic Health Tips
1. Think before you drink: Drinking adequate amounts of quality water, up to half your body weight in ounces or simply use the following formula for liters – 0.033x body weight in kg = liters per day. Cut back on caffeine, soda, alcohol and soft drinks as they all elevate your cortisol levels and increase the load on your central nervous system. Try supplementing with herbal teas.
2. Eat right to think right: Reduce your intake of processed and packaged foods. These foods are nutrient deficient and actually rob you of more energy than they actually give you. Eating a variety of fresh pasture fed meats and poultry, fresh wild fish and a range of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds will boost your energy and your mood, providing you with the essential brain food needed. Check out my
3. Move right to feel light: We all know the physiological and psychological benefits of exercise. However, ‘exercise’ in most people’s minds means to exert themselves through movement, often at the cost of energy that they don’t have in reserve to give. If by working out and expending energy, you do not feel energized but instead feel further depleted of energy following the initial short-lived adrenal high, then this would be a good indication that a “working” session is what you need. You can still exercise (move your body) in ways that actually cultivate and build the body’s Chi (energy) supplies by engaging in activities such as restorative yoga, Tai Chi, Qi gong, and walking mediations. The point is to use exercise as a stress management tool to support the cultivation of your health and vitality; not diminish it.
4. Rest to be at your best: Going to sleep by 10 pm and rising by 6 am or with the sun has a positive effect on every system of the body, especially the hormonal system. Remember that your circadian rhythms are governed by the rising and setting of the sun and the moon. The hormones related to physical growth and repair of the body are secreted between the hours of 10 pm and 2 am. The hormones related to mental and emotional repair are secreted between the hours of 2 am and 6 am. If we were able to control or manipulate these rhythms, then we wouldn’t suffer from the effects associated with sleep deprivation but we can’t – ask any mother or shift worker!
For a better night’s sleep, minimize your exposure to bright lights, especially fluorescent lights, for at least 2 hours before bed. Light stimulates cortisol production that needs to be significantly reduced in order for melatonin (the body’s sleep hormone) to be released. If you don’t have dimmer switches, use candles or lamps with low wattage light bulbs. Avoid stimulants like a workout, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and nicotine or action/thriller movie after 2 pm as they all stimulate an increase in cortisol levels.
“As a holistic health and energy therapist, teacher and author i have studied under some of the world’s leading holistic health practitioners and healers. I am a Faculty Member of the Chek Institute, and teach Holistic Lifestyle Coach (HLC) Level 1 and 2 across Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada and the UK”
“Teaching Paul Check’s 3 day Holistic Lifestyle (HLC1) course”
“In HLC 1 we converse the 6 Foundation principles to health and wellbeing”
“2 Day Retreat focusing on Gut and Adrenal Repair and Recovery at Bhavana Organic Farm and Cooking School”
Joanna Rushton – Healer, educator, author
5. Practice random acts of kindness (towards yourself): Scientific evidence has proven that kindness changes the brain chemistry, opens the heart and strengthens the immune system, and may even be an antidote to depression. We’re actually genetically wired to be kind. In my experience most of us are far more practiced in doing for others before doing for oneself! Sometimes a lack of self worth makes it difficult to focus our energies on showing kindness towards ourselves, so instead we express this natural urge outwardly upon others. This of cause has numerous positive effects on our own health but the balance of giving and doing for others can sometimes tip the scale too far one way and the effects can leave us feeling tired, drained and sometimes even resentful.
I invite you to choose from the list below and even add to the list by creating our own random act of kindness towards yourself.
10 Random Acts of Kindness
- Take a long hot Epsom salt bath
- Buy yourself a bunch of your favorite flowers
- Treat yourself to a massage
- Take an afternoon nap
- Spend a Sunday doing what you love the most
- Listen to your favorite music
- Spend an afternoon in nature; by the ocean or in the bush
- Lye under a tree with your favorite book
- Acknowledge your achievements – right them down
- Tell yourself “I love You” again and again, write it on your bathroom mirror!
6. Allocate “me time”: This is by far one of the most important tip I can offer anyone suffering from the effects of stress, overwhelm and exhaustion. Give yourself permission to spend time with yourself. Learn to down tools every day, be it for 10 mins or 30 mins. Show yourself appreciation for all your hard work and achievements by taking time for you. It could be as simple as taking 10 minutes and going for a walk.
7. Learn to laugh: Laughter boosts your immune system. It takes more energy to frown than laugh – 72 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile so give your face a rest. Practice laughing and smiling daily. Figure out your humor profile, what makes you laugh and your heart sing? Hang out with people that laugh – It’s infectious.
Laugh at yourself. Do at least one ‘silly’ thing a day.
8. Breath into the present moment: Becoming present is as simple as focusing on your breath. Anxiety is a result of projecting into the future and depression is a result of projecting into the past. Your personal power and ability to create resides in the present moment. Practice the following:
Bring your focus and attention to your breath, then bring your awareness to your feet and breath into your feet over a count of 4, and slowly out over a count of 4. Keep your attention on your feet whilst you count your breaths in and out. Consciously slow down the process, remaining focused on your feet and counting your breath circle until you feel your body begin to relax and your racing mind begin to slow itself down.
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