Test Your Potential Take the “Potential Quiz” and find out if you are ready to fulfill your potential YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS IS YOUR GREATEST ASSET TO FULFILLING YOUR POTENTIAL Fulfilling your potential and living the life your soul intended for you is about mastering your energy (consciousness) over the management of your time. Time is finite but energy is infinite and is renewable. What is achieved in any given time frame is dependent on your capacity; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This short quiz will help determine your capacity to realise your potential in less than 3 minutes. Tick the following statements that are most true for you: Physical Capacity: I tend to skip breakfast more often than not. I rely on coffee to get me going in the morning. I struggle to get through more than a litre of water a day. I don’t take regular breaks during the day to replenish my energy. I eat more processed or packaged foods than fresh wholefoods that I cook myself Although I eat fresh wholefoods, they are not from pesticide free or organic sources I am rarely in bed with lights out by 10.30pm. I don’t have a regular exercise routine. I deal with physical pain and /or discomfort on a regular basis. Mental Capacity: I feel unclear or in conflict about my priorities, values and what really matters to me I don’t have clearly defined goals and outcomes that govern the choices I make and how I use my time. I have difficulty focusing on one thing and tend to multi task I often feel indecisive, or struggle to make clear decisions I spend most of my day reacting and putting out fires rather than focusing on activities with longer-term ROI I don’t take enough time for reflection, strategizing, and big picture planning I have less capacity for problem solving and creative thinking I am often preoccupied by thoughts about my financial safety and security I am faced with more uninspiring challenges than inspiring challenges Emotional Capacity: I often feel frustrated, impatient, or anxious, especially in stressful times I feel work leaves me depleted and not able to be truly present with my family and friends I have little time for the activities that I find most fulfilling and enjoyable. I rarely take the time to express my gratitude or to celebrate my accomplishments I am often self-critical and a harsh judge of myself I often have thoughts of not feeling enough or being good enough I find it difficult to ask for help and support I find it difficult to create connected and meaningful relationships with other I spend too much time worrying about how things are going to pan out Spiritual Capacity: I don’t have a regular spiritual practice that helps me feel connected and centered I don’t spend enough time at work doing what inspires me most. There are significant gaps between what I say is most important to me in my life, and how I actually allocate my time, energy, money, focus, discipline and reliability My decisions are more often influenced by external factors than by a strong, clear sense of my own mission, values and purpose in life. I don’t feel I have the tools and skills to help myself when I’m in a dark place or feel stuck I don’t have a strong sense of my own gifts and talents I don’t feel my time and energy is spent making a positive difference to others or a meaningful contribution to the world. I don’t feel I am pursuing my full potential as a human being I lack faith in myself and look to others for validation or acceptance Gender Male Female First Name Surname Country Email Send Me My Report Send Report