The path of the One Heart School is a deep dive into your soul purpose as a lightworker. The Christed Masters call Lightworkers Jani Taras. Every Jani Tara has incarnated on Earth to serve the divine light and the awakening of humanity through their Mastery. But first you need to step into you mastery as a Jani Tara. The Path of the One Heart School offers you this training.
This School offers the spiritual student a foundation on which to build their path to manifest their true mission on Earth. This School asks a lot of you because it offers you so much. This is because this School was created by 12 Ascended Masters.
Several years ago these Masters asked In’Easa mabu Ishtar to share these sacred teachings again. With Jani Taras committed to their purpose on Earth. These Masters taught the Essenes long ago and step forward now to teach you the same fundamental principles of walking the path of mission as well as offering powerful and life changing activations that support you to step more deeply into your divine truth.
During the Path of the One Heart we teach 6 different groups with very specific focuses.
The first level is the Foundation Work for the soul (12 months). Here students align to the Pillars of Service, realign their 12 Energy Bodies to their original blueprints and train as a Caretaker of Sacred Light or a Harmoniser.
The second level is the Mission Work (12 months). In this level students train as either a Magdalene, Scribe or Lawmaker and at the same time complete Level 2 of the Caretakers or Harmonisers training. After Level 2 students may become accredited to practice as a Harmoniser or Caretaker of Sacred Light.
The third level is the Profound Awakening work (6 months). In this level you complete the second level of your Mission Work. Only after Level 3 students can be accredited to practice as a Magdalene, Scribe or Lawmaker and apply to teach this School.
THE CARETAKERS OF THE SACRED LIGHT – These Jani Taras hold the sacred space for individuals, groups and communities. They are the Divine Mothers and Fathers that hold the sacred space for all souls. They offer this loving service through their sacred silence as the witness, and also through guided action in community. Through loving service they support all communities and groups such as family, schools, local communities, focused groups, even businesses and corporations – anywhere people come together with a group focus. Over souled by Babaji and Venus Kumara and the ancient Mothers and Guardians of the land.
THE HARMONISERS – The Healers of heart, mind, spirit and body. The Harmonisers work to harmonise and balance the energies through the development of their harmonic healing codes. These Jani Taras are the healers and balancers of conscious energy – human, earth, animals. They work with sound codes and energetic healing. Over souled by Lady Sarah, Mother Mary, Quan Yin and Lord Sananda
THE MAGDALENES – the divine channels of wisdom. These Jani Taras are the wisdom teachers and way showers of divine truth. These souls channel divine truth and share this with the world. Over souled by Mary Magdalene, Lady Ishtar and Lord Maitreya
THE SCRIBES – The Akashic Record Keepers who help you to release old stories and resolve the karma attached to these stories. The Scribes keep the records through the written word, sound and voice. The Scribes record the energy of consciousness created during the soul’s experiences over many lifetimes and also the Akashic Records field in the Earth’s sacred portals. Over souled by Dwjal Khul, Kuthumi and Lady Nada.
THE LAW MAKERS – The Mentors of all spiritual seekers on the path. They work with the 5 stories of humanity and align the Universal Laws in conjunction with the creation principles of the Universe. Assist all to understand our interconnection to the Universe and how it flows in our lives and affects us on Earth. And teach us how to put these principles into practice through creating programs and teachings for individuals and group coaching and mentoring. Over souled by Lord Maitreya and Kuthumi.
What is a Jani Tara?
A Jani Tara is an advanced soul who incarnates on Earth during times of specific changes and initiations for humanity so they can share the unique gifts they hold in loving service.
Jani Taras are the pillars of light for humanity. We are the way showers on the path of Ascension for all souls on Earth.
We are also the first ones to receive the new waves of conscious energy. That is sent to this planet during specific times of increased awakening and enlightenment for humanity.
We hold specific codes within our DNA that allows us to integrate and anchor this energy for all of humanity, when these codes are activated.
Yet when they are not activated. We tend to become overwhelmed by the new energy frequency we are receiving because we do not know what to do with it.
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