Universal Rays Healing Therapy

(2 customer reviews)

LEVELS 1 – 3

I became a Universal Rays practitioner in 2017 and after witnessing many profound healings, shifts in consciousness and changes in my clients lives, I decided I wanted to learn how to teach this modality to other health practitioners and healers.

As a practitioner of the Universal Rays Healing you will learn to open your pillar of light to channel the consciousness of the Universal Rays.

Please note: Each training level of the URH requires you to complete a compulsory online theory component before attending the live practical training.


Please click here to be taken to the online training portal. https://onlinecourses.universalrayshealing.com


1st-4th August 2024

Location: Cudgera Creek, Northern Rivers, NSW

Cost $895 AUD

Early Bird $695 until July 1st 2024


Dates to be confirmed

Location: Cudgera Creek, Northern Rivers, NSW

Cost $595 AUD


Dates to be confirmed

Location: Cudgera Creek, Northern Rivers, NSW

Cost $595 AUD



Please note: Each training level of the URH requires you to complete a compulsory online theory component before attending the live practical training  

Before you attend the live 4 day Level 1 training. You are required to complete the 13 prerequisite theory modules online. This may take you up to two weeks to complete, so please factor this into your preparation time leading up to the live 4 day training. You will only be allowed to attend the 4 day training once you have completed all 13 modules and past the online assessments. You will be deferred to the next available training date if you have not completed the online theory component of this course.

This preliminary training will provide you with a clear understanding for the theory behind this healing modularity. It also prepares you for the 4 day training where you will practice Soul Chart readings and the giving of the healing.

The Level 1 online training is $580.

Please click here to go to the online training portal.


Universal Rays Healing is a powerful transformational healing process, offered through direct contact with the Ascended Masters of light. This profound work has been channelled and anchored on the earth by In’Easa mabu Ishtar.

This healing system works with the subtle energy bodies and chakras where we house our subconscious and unconscious, thought forms and beliefs.

This unique energy therapy assists your clients to resolve self-limiting programs and beliefs that create experiences of limitation, resistance or blocks in their life.

The healings will assist your clients to move into balance. Many levels in their life may be targeted to specific areas. Which need assistance and support to harmonise and re-align.

There are 3 levels to the certified URH practitioner program:

Level 1 is a 4-day course available both online (live) or in person, where you will:

  • Learn about The Universal Rays – what they govern and affect
  • Learn about the 12 Ascended Masters – the gatekeepers of the Universal Rays
  • Understand and learn how to channel the energy of the Masters
  • Understand and learn how to channel the consciousness of the Rays to heal
  • Learn how to cleanse with Pranic energy
  • Receive channelled attunements to the Universal Rays. And the consciousness of the Ascended Masters so you can open to channel this healing energy
  • Learn how to read a clients’ soul path using the Universal Rays and map what drives them in their life
  • Receive a comprehensive understanding of the 12 energy bodies
  • Learn how to use a pendulum for feed back during the healing
  • Learn new information about how to heal through the chakras
  • Learn to use 12 unique chakra codes
  • Learn how to channel a full healing session using The Universal Rays, working with the Ascended Masters



Additional information


Initial consultation, Follow up sessions, ½ day home pantry make over


Level 1, Level 2

Video Testimonials

2 reviews for Universal Rays Healing Therapy

  1. Kristy Renae Obst

    I have studied all 3 levels of Universal Rays Healing Therapy with Jo and been working with this modality inside of my business for the last 3 years. Implementing this modality into my coaching practice deepened all the work that I do and has offered my clients greater results and allowed them to connect deeper with themselves.

    Personally I know that I would not be living the life I am today (which I love) had I not become a practitioner and also recieved that first (among many other) healings, the support in shifting the unresolved karma and my consciousness has changed my life for the better.

    I highly recommend doing this training whether you want to provides this for others or simply for your own healing and development

  2. Nicola Kerr

    Universal Rays is the most powerful healing modality I have ever experienced. Not only has it changed my life but the lives of everyone I have shared it with.

    The Soul Chart alone can give someone the tools to change the direction of their life.

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